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Absorbent Packing Pads Seafood & Fish


Fish, shellfish, and Seafood Packing pads are generally utilized in the grocery store to assist in preserving meat things fresh and safe throughout transportation and storage space. They are typically made use of together with various other sorts of product packaging, such as vacuum-sealed bags or trays with cling wrap, to provide extra protection against perishing as well as contamination.


With the increasing concern for food freshness and safety, along with a growing global awareness of environmental protection, the innovation and development of food packaging materials have become a focal point in the industry. In this context, disposable Absorbent Packing Pads made primarily of polyethylene (PE) and dust-free paper have emerged. This article will delve into the characteristics of this absorbent pad, its eco-friendliness, and the advantages of customization, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of this product.

Part 1: Characteristics of Polyethylene (PE) and Wood-pulp Paper

1. Characteristics of Polyethylene (PE)

PE, a plastic with high toughness, low-temperature resistance, and resistance to chemical corrosion, is commonly used by manufacturers in various applications. In food packaging, manufacturers widely use PE to produce freshness bags, cling film, and other products. The properties of PE enable the food freshness absorbent pad to absorb moisture effectively while isolating external moisture and impurities, maintaining the dryness and hygiene of the food.

2. Characteristics of  Wood-pulp Paper

Wood-pulp paper is a special type of paper with a smooth surface, resistant to shedding, and possesses good water and oil absorption capabilities. Combining dust-free paper with polyethylene (PE) not only enhances the water-absorbing capacity of the absorbent pad but also effectively prevents paper residue from contaminating the food, ensuring food safety and cleanliness.

Part 2: Environmental Benefits of Absorbent Pads

As global environmental consciousness grows, consumers have raised concerns about the use of disposable products. However, the absorbent pad offers certain environmental benefits despite being a disposable item.

1. Biodegradable Material

The food freshness absorbent pad is made from a biodegradable type of polyethylene (PE). Although its degradation rate may be slower compared to traditional non-biodegradable plastics, it still reduces the long-term impact on the environment. Under appropriate conditions, PE material can gradually break down into smaller particles and eventually be decomposed by microorganisms.

2. Eco-friendly Production Process

The production process of the food freshness absorbent pad is relatively simple and does not require a significant amount of energy or the use of large amounts of chemicals. Additionally, the production process generates minimal waste, contributing to reduced environmental pollution.

3. Less cleaning work with the Absorbent Pads

With the Soaker Pads, the liquid won’ splash. As the soaker pads absorb the liquid excess from the food, it is no need to worry about the splashing problem. And the cleaning work in the kitchen and for the food industry is much less, less work and less water.

Part 3: Advantages of Customized Absorbent Pads

The ability to customize the absorbent pad according to user preferences, including various color and size options, is a significant advantage.

1. Diverse Color Selection

Different types of food may have varying color preferences. For example, meat products may require darker tones to conceal bloodstains. While fruits may benefit from bright colors to emphasize freshness, the pads show the fruits better. The customization feature of the food freshness absorbent pad allows manufacturers to select suitable colors based on specific food types, enhancing the aesthetic appeal and recognition of food packaging.

2. Flexible Size Options

Given the diverse sizes and shapes of various food products, corresponding absorbent pad sizes are necessary to ensure effectiveness. Manufacturers can customize the food freshness absorbent pad, ensuring a perfect fit for food packaging and excellent water-absorbing and freshness-retaining abilities.

Conclusion of Absorbent Packing Pads Seafood & Fish

Made of eco-friendly polyethylene (PE) and wood-pulp paper, Absorbent Packing Pads Seafood & Fish is a convenient disposable food packaging product. Its material characteristics guarantee food dryness and hygiene, while its disposable nature minimizes environmental impact. Furthermore, customization options provide users with diverse choices, elevating the attractiveness and recognition of food packaging. As an innovative food packaging material, the food freshness absorbent pad offers convenience and potential for the food industry’s development.
